
Staircase railings, in some cases, can be quite complicated to produce, especially when it comes to irregular shapes of the stairs. We are up to all challenges, whether it is necessary to develop the very structure of the staircase or just the railings, there are kilometers of completed projects behind us. Installation, if the situation on the ground allows, can be on the top and at the side of the staircase. The type of handrail is selected by the customer, and we offer the handrails made from profiled tubes, profiled flat bars, wood in the desired profiles...

Products, Staircases S5-062
Products, Staircases S5-062


Products, Staircases S5-063
Products, Staircases S5-063


Products, Staircases S5-064


Products, Staircases S5-066
Products, Staircases S5-066


Products, Staircases S5-067
Products, Staircases S5-067


Products, Staircases S5-081
Products, Staircases S5-081


Products, Staircases S6-001
Products, Staircases S6-001


Products, Staircases S6-002
Products, Staircases S6-002


Products, Staircases S6-003
Products, Staircases S6-003


Products, Staircases S6-004
Products, Staircases S6-004


Products, Staircases S6-005
Products, Staircases S6-005


Products, Staircases S6-006
Products, Staircases S6-006


Kao i za ograde terasa, koristimo standardne materijale uz mogućnost ugradnje staklenih elemenata i naravno drvenih gazišta...najčešće u kombinaciji sa inoksom

Kako samo stepenište nakon zidarskih radova diktira, izrađujemo ih kao klasična - ravna stepeništa i spiralna, odnosno stepeništa nepravilnog oblika.

I ovde nema velike razlike u odnosu na montažu ograde terasa, dva tipa montaže - na stepenik i sa strane stepeništa  zbog proširenja prostora

Stepeništa su visine od 950 mm - 1000 mm upravno na stepenik, Ukoliko je unutrašnje stepenište, zaštita nije potrebna ali preporučujemo zaštitu za spoljašnja.

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